


The Board of Garrett County Commissioners recognizes that the County's future economic well-being is dependent on having an educated, skilled workforce that is prepared to compete successfully for jobs in an increasingly competitive, 全球经济. 该奖学金项目为当前加勒特县高中毕业生提供平等的高等教育机会和平等的晋升机会.

加勒特县奖学金计划(GCSP)是一项奖学金,为符合条件的加勒特县高中毕业生提供学生援助计划,涵盖加勒特学院的学费和综合费用. GCSP为学生在加勒特学院选择的课程提供必要的发展研究和多达64个学分的学习.

该计划始于2007年,当时是加勒特县委员奖学金计划,并于2008年改为加勒特县奖学金计划. The program was expanded in 2011 to include non-credit certificate programs and dual enrollment. In 2019, the program was again amended to raise the grade-point average (GPA) to a 2.5 .每学期有一个申诉程序.


To be eligible, a person must satisfy all the requirements set forth below:

  1. 个人必须申请加勒特学院, 符合学院的入学要求, 他被录取了.
  2. The individual must complete and submit the following items by their respective deadlines: 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA), 澳门足球博彩官方网址入学申请, GCSP应用程序.
  3. 申请人必须符合下列其中一项条件:
    1. 由加勒特县教育委员会(GCBOE)指定的北加勒特高中或南加勒特高中当前毕业班的成员. “Current” means the student graduated in the spring immediately prior to the beginning of the fall classes at 澳门足球博彩官方网址; OR
    2. A student who is certified by the GCBOE as homeschooled and whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually by the Board of Education in order to validate equivalency to the high school graduating class of the current year; OR
    3. A student who is certified by a state-approved non-public school located and operating in Garrett County, 谁是本学年的毕业生, whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually by the GCBOE in order to validate equivalency of a high school graduate of the current year; OR
    4. A person who was a recipient of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) during the Board of Education's immediately previous academic year.
    5. Any individual not meeting 3(a) – 3(d) above would need to submit a written appeal for reconsideration of the scholarship program.
  4. 个人必须有合法证件 1 resident of Garrett County for a period of two full years prior to graduation or receipt of GED. The determination of residency status shall be at the sole discretion of 澳门足球博彩官方网址. Students who live in Garrett County but attend school in another county are not eligible for the scholarship.
  5. 个人必须在秋季和春季学期在加勒特学院全日制注册(至少12学分),并且可以根据他/她的选择在夏季或冬季学期注册任何数量的课程,没有最低学分要求.
  6. The individual must be enrolled in an approved 澳门足球博彩官方网址 credit degree or certificate program.


  1. To sustain eligibility, all students receiving the scholarship must maintain a minimum 2.5学期GPA in every semester of study including grade equivalents for developmental course work.
  2. Students who fail to maintain this academic standard will become ineligible for the scholarship. 如果学生获得2分,则可以恢复资格.通过自费课程获得5个学期的GPA. Students may appeal their loss of funding by seeking an exception and following the process outlined below in the Appeals section.
  3. 学生有三年的GCSP资格,必须在加勒特学院最初入学之日起的三年内毕业或转学. However, students are not required to maintain continuous enrollment in order to be eligible.
  4. Students may enroll in approved programs of study articulated between 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and other institutions of higher education. However, the program will only cover the cost of education taken at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.
  5. The program will cover the tuition and combined fees for required developmental courses, with the exception of developmental courses taken during a high school dual enrollment period.
  6. The program will pay only for required developmental courses and for an additional 64 credit hours of study at the maximum. However, the program will not, under any condition, pay for any repeated courses. Students must self-fund or use other financial aid for such courses.
  7. 除特殊情况外,将课程减为非全日制的学生将失去GCSP资格. The decision as to whether to grant an exception is discussed below in the Appeals section.
  8. Students are required to apply for various forms of financial aid. 助学金和奖学金, 学生可以从任何来源获得哪些信息, is applied to the cost of 澳门足球博彩官方网址 tuition and the combined fees. 奖助金 and scholarships that are excluded from this calculation include the following: any grant or scholarship from an outside party, 加勒特学院基金会, 以及由马里兰州代表或参议员颁发的任何奖项. 联邦佩尔助学金,以及任何形式的霍华德P. Rawlings Educational Excellence or Maryland Community College Promise awards, are deducted prior to the 加勒特县奖学金计划. The 加勒特县奖学金计划 truly serves as a last dollar award.

GCSP was expanded to include non-credit coursework through CEWD; students may choose from fourteen workforce development programs leading to licensure and/or certification. This piece of the scholarship program is administered fully by CEWD.

加勒特县高中学生有资格参加加勒特学院的双招生计划,并通过GCSP获得资助. 必须符合以下条件:

  1. 学生必须:
    1. A currently enrolled Garrett County public high school student who has met all GCBOE dual enrollment guidelines as outlined by the Northern and Southern Garrett High School Guidance offices; OR
    2. Certified by the GCBOE as homeschooled and whose date of birth falls during a specific period of time as specified annually in order to validate equivalency to that of a high school student; OR
    3. Certified by a state-approved non-public school (located and operating in Garrett County, Maryland) as a documented graduate of the current school year, 并且其出生日期在GCBOE每年指定的特定时间段内,以验证高中生的等效性.
  2. Student must be a legal United States citizen residing in Garrett County, Maryland.
  3. 学生必须完成所有大学水平的课程. The GCSP will not cover any remedial coursework for a dually enrolled student.
  4. 双重招生由加勒特学院招生办公室与加勒特县教育委员会高中指导官员合作决定.
  5. GCSP-DE奖学金按县内学费的百分之五十(50%)和学生注册的批准学时综合费用的百分之百(100%)计算. 登记 fee, all course fee(s) and textbook costs are the responsibility of the student.
  6. High School DE students are not required to meet Satisfactory Academic 政策 (SAP); however, continued eligibility to participate in the DE program is determined directly by the high school(s).
  7. 以双录取方式进入加勒特学院的学生将符合上述所有学生的所有标准. 这应该包括一个2.5 overall GPA from dually enrolled courses and a continuance of a 2.5学期GPA. 另外, any courses taken as dually enrolled and repeated later shall not be eligible for payment under the GCSP.
  8. 项目视资金情况而定.

Students who fail to meet the minimum GPA requirement and are therefore ineligible for the GCSP scholarship, 将通过邮寄(USPS)和电子邮件与您联系. 将提供解释上诉程序的资料.

未能达到GPA要求的学生可以向加勒特学院经济援助主任提交书面申诉,申请试用, 警告学期提高他/她的GPA.

授予例外或特殊条件的决定应由加勒特学院财政援助主任自行决定, 或其指定人员.

加勒特学院和加勒特县委员会不保证加勒特县奖学金计划将在任何学期的学习中获得全额资助,无论是暗示还是明确. 每学期的奖励金额取决于分配给该计划的资金数额和符合条件的学生人数. 例如, 学生可能会在秋季学期获得他们符合条件的全额资助,但在春季学期只能获得75%的资助.

加勒特学院将在每学期开始前宣布该计划将提供的资金百分比,以便学生可以决定是否希望注册. 与教育委员会合作, 加勒特学院应作为适当执行加勒特县奖学金计划条款和条件的监管机构,如本文所述. 学院的决定不得上诉.

加勒特学院没有种族歧视, 性, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 民族起源, 或者不利条件.